Salud Hondu is the organization that serves the healthcare needs of over 50,000 people in rural Honduras, the majority of whom are children with previously little or no access to healthcare. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit, operational since 2012, and to date has up-fitted and funded a medical clinic in Reitoca, Honduras that serves approximately 600 patients a month. A second clinic has opened in another remote area of Honduras.
2024 Fundraiser
One Cup of Tea again seeks your support as Salud Hondu continues to operate in Honduras. Salud Hondu is dependent on its faithful donors. A donation of any amount has a great impact on providing healthcare to those in need. For a donation of $50 or more, select from our unique Thank You Gifts to keep for yourself or share with others.
The 2024 Holiday Collection
Your support is critical to those in need of quality healthcare— thousands of men, women, and children in impoverished Honduras who otherwise would not have access to healthcare.
This year, we are pleased to offer gift sets featuring a bottle brush tree, gold-plated twig spoon, and Vahdam teas from India. For donations of $50 or more, these beautifully packaged “thank you” offerings include a lovely vintage teacup/saucer. Shipping options are available in the continental U.S. (a little extra donation will help us offset shipping costs).
“A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever”
Click here to view more teacup options.

100% of all One Cup of Tea fundraisers goes to support the healthcare services so needed for these Honduran people.

Contact us at to be added to our email database. Your continued support is very much appreciated!